Flint Neighborhoods United resumes meetings via Zoom

By Tammy Beckett

More than 40 community leaders and representatives of neighborhood groups signed onto Zoom Saturday for a remote meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU), adhering to Gov. Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders.

The group heard a plea for consideration of trash pickup employees, received an overview of community resources, and reviewed opportunities to engage in local grant applications, projects and activities.

Help Republic Services employees stay safe

Gary Hicks from Republic Services requested residents to consider the health of sanitation employees and make every effort to protect them by following City of Flint guidelines and recommends that residents wear gloves when taking out trash.

Start times are now staggered, he explained, so some areas will be picked up in the morning whereas others will be later in the afternoon. Large item pick up is now available and limited to three items. The remote dumpsters are no longer available, he said, and requested residents not to dispose of trash in these areas any more. Mattresses must be bagged.

For more information, contact Hicks at hicksg@republicservices.com or call (810) 768-2218 for more information.

GCHD COVID testing suspended due to PPE, lab shortages

Genesee County Health Department has closed its McCree South location, but the Burton location is open by appointment. In-person appointments for WIC (810) 237-4537 or (810) 237-4536, Family Planning (810) 237-4538, immunizations (810) 237-4569, and STI testing/treatment (810) 257-3139 are still available. However, testing for COVID-19 is no longer available due to shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and laboratory supplies. For more information go to gchd.us.

Progressive Turnout Project seeking field reps

Sylvia Brown of the Progressive Turnout Project (PTP) described the organization’s mission  to get voters to the polls. PTP is launching new offices and recruiting field representatives to be the face of the organization. The application process is online and interested individuals may upload their resumes and arrange for recording video responses through the hiring portal immediately with onboarding to begin in early June. Visit turnoutpac.org/jobs for more information.

CFGF grant application deadline extended to May 20

The deadline for Community Foundation of Greater Flint Mini Grants has been extended until May 20. Projects that encourage social distancing are encouraged. Questions? Contact Lynn Williams at NSGP@cfgf.org.

Sloan scrapbook project seeking Flint stories

Jerome Threlkeld from Sloan Museum and Longway Planetarium’s Greater Flint COVID-19 Community Scrapbook Project invited residents to participate in sharing survival tips, journals, videos, audio, pictures, and other activities.

The goal is to capture the Flint story, so it will be available for the future as people look back on these times. “We’re trying to be a great community partner, even in the midst of this pandemic. As a repository of Flint and the Greater Flint Area, we are trying to capture everyone’s story.”  Threlkeld can be reached at (810) 237-3439 or (810) 845-5122.

Garden kits available

King Avenue Plus garden kits will be available June 6 via a scheduled afternoon drive-through only.  Orders for flowers and herbs will be accepted through May 16. Vegetable orders are closed. Questions or to place an order, contact Jane Richardson at jrmjrichardson@sbcglobal.net or call (810) 348-5332.

Mental health support available

Mental health support is available from the State of Michigan by either texting RESTORE to 741741 or visiting the website at https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98178_99557—,00.html

Library remote activities paused for now

The Flint Public Library had been working to set up the remote location in Courtland Center, but those activities are now paused, according to Director Kay Schwartz.

EVM Staff Writer Tammy Beckett can be reached at drtreeseflintschools@gmail.com.







Author: East Village Magazine

A Non-profit, Community News Magazine Since 1976

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