Education Beat: Flint School Board acts on new hires, infrastructure repair, temporary deficit relief, strategic plan
By Harold C. Ford In a five-and-a-half hour meeting ending at midnight Feb. 9, the Flint Board of Education (FBOE) worked its way through a packed agenda and acted on a half-dozen key matters. The board’s actions covered new hires and compensation packages; critical and ongoing infrastructure needs; the intricacies and interplay of the district’s Emergency Deficit Elimination Program (EDEP) and the temporary infusion of federal...
Mayor delivers progress report on Flint water with members of EPA, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
By Harold C. Ford “This community’s perseverance has been remarkable and your success has been remarkable.” – Michael Harris “Five years ago, Flint was in the middle of one of our nation’s greatest drinking water crises in our nation’s history. Understandably, trust in leadership and government was just as corroded as the pipes that tainted your drinking water. Flint has turned the corner and is on the brink of completely...
Area teens take the jab at MCC, prepare to promote the COVID vaccine
By Tom Travis “If you want Friday nights at football games then get the vaccine,” is what Jackson Langford, 16, of Grand Blanc High School plans to tell his friends about being vaccinated. “I was afraid it was going to hurt but after seeing all the other kids get it, I was okay. And it didn’t hurt,” said Kearsley High School student Hannah Pollick, 16. Langford and Pollick were among five area teen...
“Transformational” federal funds to city, funeral home demo, funds for home repair, highway project topics at FNU
By Coner Segren Federal relief dollars coming to Flint will be “transformational,” Mayor Sheldon Neeley predicted at the recent monthly meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Participants in the Zoom meeting also heard updates about expected funds for several highway projects, prospective demolition of Brown Funeral Home, and access to funds for home repair. Neeley says millions in federal relief dollars will be...
Rise in child abuse, violent crimes, home repairs, and dead trees highlighted at March FNU
By Coner Segren A rise in child abuse in Genesee County, a $200,000 grant to remove dead trees, available funds for home owners’ home repairs, and a presentation addressing violent crime were items discussed at the monthly Zoom meeting of the Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). The zoom meeting was moderated by Theresa Roach, program director of the Crim Foundation, and FNU president Carma Lewis. Cases of child abuse in Genesee...