Yard waste collection in Flint begins the week of April 5, 2021. Yard waste is picked up weekly on residents’ regularly scheduled trash collection day through Thanksgiving week.

(Photo source: City of Flint website)
According to a City of Flint press release, compost is limited to 50 pounds in each brown paper lawn and leaf bag. Bags should be placed at the curb at least 10 feet from regular trash no later than 7 a.m. on pickup day.
Acceptable materials include grass clippings, weeds, leaves, and twigs. Brush up to two inches in diameter and four feet in length is accepted if it is tied in bundles and weighs less than 50 pounds.
The City of Flint also offers free curbside recycling every week. For more information or to report any problems with trash, recycling, or yard waste service call (810) 410-1134. More information can be found the the City’s Sanitation website www.cityofflint.com/category/public-works/sanitation.
EVM Staff can be reached at eastvillagemagazineflint@gmail.com
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